KIA ORA! ...atau Hello dalam bahasa Maori :) Soalan “cepu mas” yang selalu ditanya…”Bila musim yang paling best nak bercuti ke New Zealand dan nak melawat apa?” betul kan??? Hehe…soalan standard la tuuu…Memang susah nak buat keputusan… lagi-lagi datang ramai-ramai…masing-masing punya agenda dan “wish list” sendiri bila bercuti…sana nak pergi sini nak pegi…itu nak buat ini nak buat…pendek kata nak buat semua tapi masa suntuk…ye la cuti tahunan bukan dapat 3 bulan kannn…haha… Nama pun bercuti…jadiiii kita lepak laaaa…enjoy jalan-jalan… dan rancang baikkk punya supaya tak menyesal sebab terburu-buru nak kejar masa dan nak buat semua dalam satu masa… New Zealand serius memang cantik …dan boleh je nak datang bila-bila masa sepanjang tahun sebab setiap musim unik dan ada keistimewaan tersendiri… So share la sikit tips 4 musim…
TUJUAN BERCUTI/AKTIVITI APA NAK BUAT Bab ni paling susah…haha…sama je saya pun sebab banyak kot aktiviti menarik nak buat kat sini…nak buat semua kena duduk berbulan..bertahun gak la…hehe…tanya diri sendiri…datang nak buat apa dulu... Antara aktiviti-aktiviti yang selalu orang suka dari pengalaman tetamu Ikhlas Tours… Aktiviti luar/lasak…yang ni memang terbaikkk la kat sini...Bungy Jumping…Skydiving…kembara mendaki bukit dan gunung…masuk hutan…Mountain Biking…panjang berjela list kalau saya tulis ni…haha…aktiviti kegeraman iolsss…Subhanallah…cantik yang tak terkata…pendek kata datang je lah tengok sendiri…hehe Jalan-jalan lihat pemandangan…aktiviti yang paling semua orang gemar la kan…paling “WIN”…paling “LAYAN” Urusan kerja atau “Business Trips”…ada yang datang atas urusan kerja rasmi…tapi sambil-sambil tuuu ada la site visit kannn…sambil menyelam minum air orang kata…hehe Ikhlas Tours boleh bantu merancang percutian bergantung kepada “wish list” uols la jugak dan juga bajet…boleh jugak tengok-tengok pakej sedia ada Ikhlas Tours dekat website BAJET…ni paling penting la kan….nak buat semua tapi pada masa yang sama bajet nak murah la kan…tu dah lumrah manusia…hehe…jangan marah…normal la…jadi kena pandai tengok jugak…contoh, musim panas ramai orang so mahal la jadinya …konsep demand & supply…hehe…kalau datang musim sejuk murah skit tapi factor cuaca sejuk plak…tapi kalau memang nak layan main salji…ok la kan…elak datang time orang ramai la… Paling terbaik…hubungi Ikhlas Tours…mereka akan bantu merancang percutian uols dengan bajet yang ada… Christmas dan Tahun Baru dalam musim panas…sini memang cuti sakan…lama diorang ni tutup kedai & ofis…berminggu..ada yang sebulan tutup….bila dah cuti panjang…memang masa ni la semua bawak family cuti jugak kan…hehe…itu yang harga hotel melambung tinggi dan susah jugak nak dapat sebab semua penuh…kalau nak datang jugak…kena book awal la… Hubungi Ikhlas Tours…In Sha Allah kami akan cuba yang terbaik untuk membantu anda…Jumpa di bumi New Zealand nanti yaaa…
KIA ORA! Hellooo travel lovers… Hope you had a great week… enjoy reading what I’ve shared last week? Hopefully you find it useful to plan your trip to New Zealand... (Best tak? Best tak???) hehe… I get a bit nervous now to keep up the excitement going… will try my best ya… It’s the last month of summer in New Zealand… I guess it’s a bit late to talk about this hot season now (definitely will cover soon about summer)… so I’ve decided to spill the beans about the coming season that is just around the corner… Yellow Orange and Red… Yayyy my favourite season of the year!!!! "AUTUMN…is a second spring when every leaf is a flower" - Albert Camus - This is when you start to see back paint of colours in the background that summer has never seen. Autumn starts from March and ends in May… the best season for New Zealanders to still enjoy outdoor activities… just nice weather; not too hot like summer and not too cold before winter comes… Omgggg… Imagine driving along the scenic route in South Island with the stunning autumn backdrop… calm and quiet moment when you park your motorhome… sitting by the lake and mesmerized by the colours of autumn with cuppa hot coffee... ”Best feeling ever!!!”… haha… ok enough about feeling2… time to make it a reality :) Golden Autumn Journey12/2/2016 0 Comments KIA ORA! Hellooo travel lovers… Hope you had a great week… enjoy reading what I’ve shared last week? Hopefully you find it useful to plan your trip to New Zealand... (Best tak? Best tak???) hehe… I get a bit nervous now to keep up the excitement going… will try my best ya… It’s the last month of summer in New Zealand… I guess it’s a bit late to talk about this hot season now (definitely will cover soon about summer)… so I’ve decided to spill the beans about the coming season that is just around the corner… Yellow Orange and Red… Yayyy my favourite season of the year!!!! "AUTUMN…is a second spring when every leaf is a flower" - Albert Camus - This is when you start to see back paint of colours in the background that summer has never seen. Autumn starts from March and ends in May… the best season for New Zealanders to still enjoy outdoor activities… just nice weather; not too hot like summer and not too cold before winter comes… Omgggg… Imagine driving along the scenic route in South Island with the stunning autumn backdrop… calm and quiet moment when you park your motorhome… sitting by the lake and mesmerized by the colours of autumn with cuppa hot coffee... ”Best feeling ever!!!”… haha… ok enough about feeling2… time to make it a reality :) Besides spring… Autumn is another good season for road trips… so for travelers who dream to do Leisure or Motorhome road trip… you can book your flight tickets and pack your bag from nowwwww… hehe Let’s start planning for your autumn trip (I plak excited!!!)…I will share a few things here…hopefully it will help you get some ideas:
1. Best Time To See Autumn Colours March to early April… still hot and you can’t see much autumn colours yet… but it's a good time for outdoor lovers to explore the trails. After the first week of May it tends to rain more and leaves usually start falling. Peak time for fall foliage is roughly from the second week of April to early May. The best time you get to see the colours of autumn? Definitely I can’t give you the exact date cause it’s all up to mother nature… I’m just mother of a child… hehe…. But that’s the rough idea for you to know when's the best time to come. Note: Average temperature in autumn is highest around 20'C day time and lowest can be around 10'C night time...depending on the area as well...southern areas get much colder...just don't forget to check the weather forecast so you know the right jacket to bring...not the thick "Mink Coat" ya...just kidding...hehe 2. Top Places To Visit During Autumn Why South Island? According to the locals.. More places you can get autumn colours there… Take the scenic route and enjoy the beautiful golden colours of autumn… Places you could put in your itinerary :
Tips : Check driving distance from one place to another… Again… pleaseeee don’t rush to cover all the places in one trip cause you won’t have enough time (Trust me!)… If you have time to visit only one location in New Zealand for fall foliage, Arrowtown would be the best place to visit according to the locals here. 3. Activities In Autumn
Still best time to do outdoor activities... honestly I prefer early autumn for some outdoor adventures... but not towards end of autumn because there'll be more rains by then.
4. Ikhlas Tours - Leisure or Motorhome Package? Leisure Packages To travel in autumn, you can contact Ikhlas Tours for Leisure Packages (vehicle and accommodation). Ikhlas Tours will recommend suitable vehicle for your group and self-contained accommodation. Our packages focus on laid back and leisure concept... basically we want you to experience New Zealanders style... cause here it's always about how you appreciate nature's beauty... peaceful and quiet ambiance... time to relax and clear your mind... Motorhome Packages Alternatively, book Ikhlas Tours Motorhome or Campervan (not Caravan ya...not really the right term actually cause Caravan needs to use tow bar... and Malaysian Driving license is not allowed to drive this type of vehicles)... you are not the only one... all this while I called it Caravan too.. haha The motorhome comes with :
Ikhlas Tours package also includes :
Again Ikhlas Tours is here to assist your travel plan...the best way to fit your wish list and budget. Please visit Ikhlas Tours website at That's roughly about autumn... hope it's useful enough to plan your golden journey...hehe... Next I will share everyone's favourite season of the year...I'm sure you can guess what season that definitely don't want to miss it... Tungguuuuu Till then… talk to you soon travel lovers with more tips to be shared! "Create your journey moment...." KIA ORA!
We had a long weekend here too… It’s public holiday to celebrate Waitangi Day… a bit of history summary of Waitangi… Treaty was signed that made New Zealand part of the British Empire, guaranteed Māori rights to their land and gave Māori the rights of British subjects…The day was first officially commemorated in 1934, and it has been a public holiday since 1974.... No need to talk so long la kan cause not everyone gets very excited when it comes to history.. haha Ok...back to what I promised in the last is everyone's favourite season...specially dedicated to all ladies out going to loveeee me (love you too...hehe) for saving your time and energy browsing for the best time to see flowers blooming in New Zealand...hehe I won't write much this time...Just short and sweet tips...the rest...Let the pictures make you fall in love with all the beautiful flowers...hehe Technically spring starts from September to November…however the sign of spring starts from August and it continues even in summer… you can see the colourful spring along your road trip or any park you go…they definitely won’t disappoint you… to those “dalam hati ada taman people” here’s for you…. Beautiful quote to remember..."A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to just blooms" Blooming time to plan your trip to New Zealand... Choose which flowers you wanna see...if all then you need to camp here for a couple of months...haha
Places you want to visit... both North and South Islands offer magically beautiful background for you... definitely you don't wanna miss it! Plan your colourful journey itinerary...I'm sure it's gonna be lots of "Selfie" and "Wefie"
haha...betulll tak tipu... Contact Ikhlas Tours to help you plan your blooming journey... save your time and energy and let Ikhlas Tours do all the booking for ground transportation and accommodation for you... best deals to fit your wish list and budget I really thank Allah for sending me to this beautiful land to witness His magically beautiful creations, and that what motivates me to write and share with you...hopefully it helps you plan when the opportunity comes...make your dreams to reality and don't just sit and keep dreaming... |
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